Monday, July 9, 2012

Calling You

 So I was reading in the scriptures a few days ago (I do it every day, but I read this particular scriptures a few days ago :) Alma is teaching his people and they have been struggling with pride and recognizing right and wrong.  At this point in the scriptures they have become pretty bad.  When I was reading I had been praying for help to recognize what I should do for this area.  No I'm not "iniquitous" but I do struggle with pride from time to time.

Alma chapter 5: verses...

 37 O ye workers of iniquity; ye that are puffed up in the vain things of the world, ye that have professed to have known the ways of righteousness nevertheless have gone astray, as sheep having no shepherd, notwithstanding a shepherd hath called after you and is still calling after you, but ye will not hearken unto his voice!

 38 Behold, I say unto you, that the good ashepherd doth call you; yea, and in his own name he doth call you, which is the name of Christ; 

Despite all of our failings, Christ loves us SOO much that he continues to call after us, no matter what our challenges are... its incredible.  But I wasn´t choosing to hear Him for a few days, feeling that He wouldn´t be calling for me specifically, and then I read this scripture.  What a great invitation to straighten up and fly right.  I love that we can change and improve every day and that our Savior never gives up on us.  These following scriptures were a profound reminder of what I am doing, why I am here, and why I came to Argentina in the first place.

43 And now, my brethren, I would that ye should hear me, for I speak in the aenergy of my soul; for behold, I have spoken unto you plainly that ye cannot err, or have spoken according to the commandments of God.

 44 For I am called to speak after this manner, according to theaholy order of God, which is in Christ Jesus; yea, I am commanded to stand and testify unto this people the things which have been spoken by our fathers concerning the things which are to come.

This is my calling as well, and how blessed an opportunity it is.  I know that the Gospel has been restored and that Christ has established the church as He would have it be.  Its true!  I know it because I have lived it.  He lives, He loves us.  Through faith in Him, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end we can and will gain eternal life.  I love my Father in Heaven, and I´m grateful for His patience and love for each one of us.  Have a marvelous week.

I love you all

smile - Hermana Milmont

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