Monday, May 28, 2012

Flossing and the Atonement

Today I started flossing.  Its truly a miracle.  I´ll have you know that I do brush my teeth very well three times a day.  But flossing... the dread of it... Its something that I have always intended to do, I know that its good for me and it will help me prevent cavities.  But things come up and there never seems to be time right?  So I didn´t floss and didn´t floss until now.  Recently  one of my teeth just starting hurting.  Bad new bears that's for sure, especially in the middle of Argentina.  Not withstanding all the council I have received from my parents and dentists on how important it is to floss, I have prolonged my change of lifestyle for too long.  Luckily there is still hope.  Hence the change of behavior.  Starting is painful, your gums aren´t used to that little white string.  Truth be told my gums are truly sensitive right now.  However, the testimonies of others have shown me that the pain will pass.  Using the tools I have to take care of my teeth will greatly benefit my life.
Now for the analogy.  Using the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ that we might become clean is an incredible thing.  Sometimes it takes us a while to get around to it.  We know that if we repent and change we will be happier.  We have countless testimonies of this in the scriptures, in the lives of those we love and care for, and yet... we wait.  Why?  Is it easier to let that sin fester?  Maybe at first, but what happens when it becomes to big, or painful to ignore?  Is it really worth the pain?  NO, its Not!  When we truly understand what Christ has done for us, we will want to repent.  Starting the process will be painful, and things may be tender for a while, but we need to keep moving forward and develop the desire and habit of relying on our Savior.  We learn that we can´t rely on our own efforts to become washed clean of our sins and weaknesses, we need something stronger, and that is the Atonement, we need some one stronger, who is Christ.
It is easier to maintain a city than it is to retake it.  I invite you to maintain your testimony and use the atonement in your life every day.  But if its been a while since you´ve gone to your spiritual healer, and things have become to big to handle or are on their way their, don´t wait to seek that help.  Our Father in Heaven wants us to be happy, and I testify that we are happiest as we repent and change.  Starting that healing process is the hardest part, I promise you that its worth it, and you will receive the strength that you need from Him.  I love you all.  God loves you. The Savior loves you.  Don´t you Ever forget Their love for You.    

smile - Hermana Milmont

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