So really Halloween doesn't exist here at all, which is kind of a bummer. But we still painted our faces and terrorized each other. You may or may not know that I startle really easily and I have a slow reaction time, which is super entertaining... not so much when a dog starts running at us, hackles raised. I see him approaching in slow motion, watching my life pass before my eyes, before I register "hey that's a big dog, you should run or something" Luckily I'm a good shot with a rock. And they scare just as easily as I do. This week was interesting. Last Sunday we had so much success with our investigators, all of them came to church we taught a ton of lessons, we were following the spirit, and we were feeling like things here in the chacra branch and looking more and more up each week. Then this week happened, and each of our investigators told us that they didn't want us to come back ever again. This was a big blow to us. We have yet to figure out the meaning for this, but we are doing our best to focus of moving forward. Such is the life of the missionary. But something that I am slowly re-learning, is that we control how we act about any given situation. Just like a succor punch, this hit us right where it counts. So now it is up to us to show satan that we will not let anything discourage us. God has our back, and there is no one better to have as our support. At the same time it is really easy to doubt oneself, your testimony, the thing that you thought you knew were true. This happened to me, luckily I have an incredible companion, hna Gillum, who has the uncanny ability to talk sense to me. Once upon a time, I had an unshakable testimony. I could handle anything and everything that happened to me. Because I knew that God was my Father and Jesus Christ was my Savior. Here on the mission I have faced much harder things than I ever did at home. And without being able to talk it through with my parents like I used to. This caused me to think that I must be losing my testimony of the truth. But now I know that is not the case. I have not lost it, it may even have grown. The difference is simply that my knowledge of the truth was sufficient for my past trials. But as strong as it was, my challenges now are different. Like a tree must grow rings to fortify itself with each storm that comes, I must also grow a new layer of my testimony, for I am in a new situation. Growing pains are just that, a pain, but at the end we will look down and see just how far we have come. I love you all, have a wonderful week and don't get discouraged when things seem to be more than you can handle. You are simply learning a new way to rely on God. Remember that you know enough and check out this marvelous talk Stay safe.
Smile - Hna Milmont
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