on the 30th we had an ASG shindig. it was a fun time, and the costumes were cu-razzy
Juno was one such costume, she had a big jug or orange juice and walked like a pregnant women ready to pop. it was awesome. I bet you can't guess how she made her Fo stomach. anyone care to take a gander? and yes it is fake:)
Archie and I are rather proud of our Frankpumkinstein, but I'm not gonna lie, he looks much better when its dark and the candle is lit. Frankpumkinstein has since grown old and haggard, he had a very sustained life:) On Halloween we had a great time at school, what with little kids running and screaming when they saw Archie. Apparently I need a Zombie escape plan, some of the stories are slightly disturbing. According to my good friend Skinnyjay... if velociraptors attack I might as well kiss this life goodbye, we have too many windows and not enough doorknobs;)
hay thats my costume!!
indeed it is ha ha ha!
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